Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Walt Disney World Oct 2015 - Day 1: Our Arrival

On our way to see Mickey!
We spent most of Friday and Saturday before we left packing.  This was a whole new experience for us to pack for the two of us and Ellie, our 14 month old daughter.  We tried to think of every possible situation and what we would need for it.  In hindsight, we probably brought too much, but not by much.  On flight was at 8:20am Sunday morning.  We got up at 5:30am (yikes), and left the house by 6:30am.  That was early for all of us.  We fed Ellie a little snack before we left. Our breakfast was the “snack” provided by the airline.  We parked at the Parking Spot, which is fantastic.  I dropped everyone off at the curb and went to park the car.  The bus was at my parking spot and went straight to the terminal.  When I got to the terminal, I found out that the airline computers were not working and since we didn’t have a printed boarding pass, we could not get one.  They were hand writing boarding passes.  We were able to get one to print as the computers temporarily came up and went straight to the gate.  I had Ellie in the carrier on my back and security was fairly easy.  She and I went through the metal detector and they checked my hands for explosive material.  I was cleared.  We made it through security, but because of the boarding pass delays, we were the last ones on the plane.  That kinda sucked considering I had got up early the morning before to check in and got A55 & A57.  Darn. 

One of our concerns for the trip was:  How is Ellie going to do on her first plane ride?  For the most part, she did very well.  Thankfully my parents were on the trip and my mom sat with Lisa and I.  We basically just passed Ellie between the 3 of us for 2 ½ hours.  She did not even try and sleep.  We fed her milk, gave her a snack, but the girl did not get sleepy.  She laughed and played most of the way.  She only wined a couple of times and there was no screaming. 

Getting ready to take off for Ellie's first plane trip

We made it!! Papa's got Ellie.

We made it to Orlando and went to find the Disney Magical Express.  This is Disney’s complimentary bus transportation from the airport to your resort.  They have this down to a science.  It is located at the end of the rental car area and you get in line depending on your resort.  We used our Magic Bands to checkin and within 20 minutes, we were on our way.  We were the 2nd stop and it only took a little over half an hour. 

Headed to the Magical Express in the Orlando Airport

We are staying at the Boardwalk.  I changed the tense because I am typing this on the balcony of our room while Ellie sleeps.  The Boardwalk is one of our favorites.  It is right next to EPCOT with several other hotels.  It is a deluxe resort and very comfortable.  We can walk to EPCOT, take a boat to EPCOT or Hollywood Studios.  And we can take a bus anywhere else.  We got checked in without a hitch.  Our rooms were ready and come to find out all three were right next to each other.  We had also rented a stroller from Orlando Stroller Rentals and I asked the bell man if it was ready.  He disappeared and came back a couple of minutes later with the stroller.  It is exactly like ours at home; clean and in great condition.  We found our rooms and they are great.  It is one of the studio villas with a balcony looking at the boardwalk and a kitchenette area inside.  There is a little nook by the front door and that is where Ellie’s pack-n-play went.  The room is very nice, comfortable and clean.  It looks like it had been renovated fairly recently.  We dropped our stuff off, got the stroller and backpack as ready as we could and headed to EPCOT for lunch at Rose and Crown Pub at the England Pavilion. 

Ellie's bedroom - the pack n play is behind the curtain

To setup the next part, we need to recap a little bit.  We woke up at 5:30am, we had a small “breakfast”, we had a small snack at the Orlando airport, and nobody, including Ellie, had taken a nap all day.  Ok, got all that?  We got into EPCOT no problem, took a couple pictures and headed to England, which was right after you enter the park.  We checked in and were waiting for our name to be called.  As we were waiting, we took Ellie out of the stroller to let her walk around.  The ground outside the restaurant is cobblestone and not easy to walk on.  She also had a water bottle she was drinking out of.  Ellie is 14 months and has been walking for about 2 months.  She stumbled and fell and the water bottle hit the ground first, and Ellie fell to the ground.  I saw the whole thing happen, and I reached for her as I saw her fall but couldn’t reach her in time.  As I went to pick her up I saw something on the ground that resembled a tooth.  Yep, a tooth.  Ellie’s tooth.  The whole tooth, root at all on the ground.  She freaked out.  I freaked out.  Lisa FREAKED out.  We had no clue what to do.  She just got her teeth over the past few months (I think she had 11 to begin the trip).  What do we do?  So our first thought was to go to first aid.  Well, I thought first aid was the front of the park, but it’s not.  It’s in a building between Mexico and Future World.  By the time we got there, Ellie had cried herself to sleep.  We told our story to the first aid people.  One of them couldn’t have cared less.  The other lady was very nice.  They couldn’t do anything to help us, but the nice lady was very concerned.  She referred us to a local dentist (who I have not heard back from), gave us an ice pack, and even took it a step further.  She asked if Ellie got blood on her clothes (which she bled a lot.  It was all over a burp cloth, and some on my clothes and some on Lisa’s clothes).  There was some blood on her clothes, but not much.  I didn’t think much of the question, but she came back with two vouchers for a new pair of pants and a new shirt from the gift shop.  I thought that was very nice.  She did not need to do that, but it was a very kind gesture.  We went to the baby care center, which was next door to first aid, and got Ellie cleaned up.  We also got some children’s Advil, which was nice that they had that available.  We gave that to her and then she napped again on our walk back to England.

Lisa using her Magic Band to get in the park

What a happy, good looking family (for now)

Yep, the whole tooth came out.  Still can't believe it happened.

My parents had told the restaurant what had happened and they rescheduled our meal to a later time.  By the time we got back, it was time to eat and my brother and his family had met us.  They were on a different flight so they arrived a little later.  Lisa and I were a wreck.  We thought we had broken our baby.  But you know what, she was a champ.  When Ellie saw everyone there, she started smiling and it was like nothing had happened.  We were worried about her eating and drinking.  She did both at lunch without any problems.  I was extremely surprised and impressed with her resolve.  We ate out meal and then headed out.

Happy Ellie and daddy on Ellie's first ride.

We had a FastPass for Living with the Land at The Land pavilion of Future World so we went ahead and used it.  This is a fun, informative ride about agriculture and growing and developing food sources.  And you get to see fruits and vegetables shaped like Mickey.  This was Ellie’s first ride at Disney World.  We had no idea how she was going to react to it.  She was entranced by it.  I couldn’t believe it.  She watched and looked around the entire ride.  She seemed to love it.  The entire ride was intriguing to her.  On the flip side, Riley, my 3 almost 4 year old niece, was scared of the fake thunderstorm at the beginning of the ride.  It was her first ride too though.  Oh kids, you just never know.

After that ride, we called it a day.  Lisa and I hauled our butts and our baby back to the hotel.  We got all situated and were in bed by 10:00.  It was a full, stressful day.  Everything ended up just fine, but my gosh that scared the ever-living crap out of us.

Next up, our first full day in the parks at the Magic Kingdom……

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