Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Walt Disney World Oct 2015 - Day 7: Heading Home

Looking out the window on our way home

The next morning was our last day and we had to go home.  We ate breakfast at the Italian restaurant on the boardwalk.  It was delicious.  We wondered why we didn’t eat there more through the week.  After breakfast, we went back and finished packing.  We were done right at checkout time, and took our luggage to the lobby.  We dropped off the stroller with bell services and then took our luggage to the airline check in location.  First, the stroller rental was great.  It was very easy to pick up and drop off and it was a great product.  We would highly recommend Orlando Stroller Rentals.  Second, the airline check-in was very easy.  They check you in to your airline so you don’t have to at the airport, and they put tags on your baggage as well.  The bags are actually picked up at the hotel and you don’t see them again until you get to your home airport.  It was great. 

We had some time to kill before our bus was going to pick us up, so we walked over to the Beach Club.  Lisa wanted to walk on the beach with Ellie before we left and they have a small beach at the Beach Club.  Before we did that, we walked through the hotel.  It was really nice and they have a great gift shop, which we walked through.  Then we went to walk on the beach.  Lisa got her shoes off and I took Ellie’s off and right when we put Ellie down in the sand, she started crying.  She tried to walk a little, but did not like the sand at all.  It was kind of funny, but sad for Lisa because she wanted to walk on the beach with her daughter.  That ended our walk on the beach and we headed back to the Boardwalk.

While we waited for the bus to pick us up, Spence’s family had a later flight so they played in the pool.  I sat on the edge with Ellie and we splashed a little bit.  She had a lot of fun and we wished that we had done that more through the week.  It was fun and relaxing.  

It got to be time to leave and we loaded up on the bus.  The bus driver was a little frazzled when we got on and come to find out, the air conditioning was not working on the bus.  Great….. We got to the airport and walked around and got a bite to eat because we were there a little early.  The line for security was crazy.  It took us quite a while to get through, and to top it off they searched several of our bags.  Once we were through, we got to the gate and waited a while longer to get on the plane.  When it was time to get on, we got in line with the other families with small children and when I gave my boarding pass to the ticket taker, they said it didn’t show I had a baby.  So I had to go to the desk at the gate with Ellie’s birth certificate to get her cleared to board.  By the time I was done, I was one of the last people on the plane.  Thankfully, Lisa and my parents had already boarded so I had a seat saved.

The flight was a little difficult for Ellie.  It was over her nap time so she got pretty cranky about half way through.  Lisa tried to get her to go to sleep and after 15 minutes of crying, SUCCESS!!  She got her to sleep on her lap, which Ellie doesn’t ever do.  The second half of the flight, could have been a little stressful.  The Royals were playing during our flight in Game 2 of the ALCS and I didn’t think I was going to see it.  Well I was wrong.  Southwest offered free TV service through Wifi to everyone on the flight.  I figured out how to set it up and I got to watch the whole game on the flight.  It was great.  To make it better, the Royals came from behind and won the game.  A great cap to end the trip. 

Finally asleep on the plane

We landed no problem and I went to get my car at the Parking Spot.  I love the Parking Spot.  The drop you off at your car and you are on your way.  It is great.  I went back and picked everyone up and we headed home.  On the way, Ellie threw up in her car seat and we stopped and got Mexican food for dinner. 

Another great trip.  This was our first with our little girl and we all had a great time.  It was amazing to see her enjoy one of my favorite places.  We’ll see where our journeys take us in the future.  Here’s to the next trip…..

See ya real soon!

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